Introduction - Tarana Kaur

I am Tarana Kaur, a level-2 yoga instructor, Television Actor, Creative Director, News Anchor and worked with lot of channels like Delhi Doordarshan, etc... I have started my yoga Journey, 10 years ago with my Bachelor of Arts and have taken few additional certification courses on yoga and received blessings from Guru Sri.Ravishankar.

I have founded “Happiness Yoga” - 20 years ago to promote, self-awareness and love for all. As a yoga family, we promote holistic fitness package to help weight loss, toning and strengthening of whole body, managing hormonal in-balance and improve immunity. We also promote mental fitness by exercising restorative yoga practices to release stress, increasing energy and integrate mind, body, and spirit.

We have conducted many workshops and events in Canada and gained a versatile experience working with different groups such as juvenile correction center, phoenix drug & alcohol recovery and education society, Surrey Seniors – City of Surrey. Sessions were conducted to uplift and enrich their lives. Motivation enhancement therapy - counseling program to care for them and evoke rapid and internal motivation when they felt low in their lives.

I am proud to say, that we have collaborated with Indian Consulate in Canada and celebrated international yoga day for the last 3 years. This year we are planning to conduct Digital yoga on International Yoga day. Multiple sessions in the first of June across worldwide and looking for supporters and sponsors

We wish to partner with companies and organizations for mutually supportive sponsorship exchanges. We will work closely with companies who resonate with our values and commitment.

If you are interested in developing a short term or a long-term mutually relation beneficial sponsorship with us, please contact us @....

Executive Summary

Our foundational belief is that together, we can empower the physical fitness & mental health of our people. We as humans have a high need to be with one another. But, during COVID19, the isolation opens-up an additional outbreak of mental illness. Staying active, managing the stress & anxiety during isolation is not easy. We as a non-profit organization, want to provide an inclusive environment to all, irrespective of their culture, religion, and language to promote the physical & mental health. We want to Stay connected & Stay active with communities by extending our hands digitally and by social distancing


Be a Star in someone’s dark sky. Spread Happiness, Wellness, Positivity, and Inner peace!


Promote Yoga to conquer fear, stress, anxiety.

Promote high quality yet affordable yoga classes.

Promote meditation to find an inner peace.

Promote online session to stay active and connected.

One-on-one counseling to listen, guide and coach.

Provide holistic fitness package to corporate companies.

Build a supportive network.


During International yoga week, we are planning to host digital Yoga, meditation, wellness & community connection activities to amplify love and presence within ourselves and in our families, communities and around the world. The festival will start on the International Yoga day in 2021. We are planning to bring people from all over the world together for a joyful celebration in the week of June and looking for funds. Your fund will help us offset the cost of running website, flyers and other marketing expenses. Please take a moment to visit our site to view the products and services we offer.

Sponsorship Details

Please join our family by giving back to community abundantly and generously. We will be thankful to all our sponsors who can help us manage the expense cost. To the people who, register yoga session during this week, we wanted to give a free T-Shirt or Yoga mat. We also plan to draw a new giveaway for a chance to win a great yoga prize for one.

Marketing activities:

  • We are planning to promote International yoga week by following channels.
  • Media Advertising (Television, Radio)
  • Joint advertising with other companies
  • Word of mouth or fixed signage.
  • Digital marketing using Social media, Email marketing.

Sponsorship packages

  • Co-branding with happiness yoga in T-shirt.
  • Recognition as presenting sponsor in festival announcements
  • Branding of back drop in zoom screens.
  • Inclusion in all media opportunities.
  • Logo on printed & digital promotion
  • Name recognition in festival announcements
  • Logo on T-Shirt.